Thursday 20 February 2014

Traditional Kuih Bahulu 传统鸡蛋糕

Kuih Bahutu Photograph updated in January 2017. Baked with Kuih Bahulu tray this time.

Traditional Kuih Bahulu was another Chinese New Year (CNY) goodie that I made for my family and guests. To save storage space, I decided not to buy new Kuih Bahulu trays/moulds.  Instead, I passed off by using the French Madeleines pans.  

Yet another simple recipe for amateurs like me!

Ingredients :
  • 4 eggs
  • 150 gm multi purpose flour (TOP flour is fine too)
  • 130 gm castor sugar
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder

Method :
  1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees celsius.
  2. Whisk in eggs and sugar in high speed till fluffy and soft peaks form. 
  3. Fold in flour (sieved beforehand) and baking powder. Continue to whisk till well combined. 
  4. Brush a layer of cooking oil or vegetable spray on moulds/pans.
  5. Fill the moulds/pans (90% full if you are using traditional Kuih Bahulu moulds and 100% full if you are using French Madeleines pans as they are too shallow).
  6. Bake in pre-heated oven for 10-15 minutes (duration differs from oven to oven).
  7. Check the readiness by piercing a toothpick or bamboo skewer into the Kuih Bahulus. They are ready if the toothpick / bamboo skewer comes out clean.
  8. Use the toothpick or bamboo skewer to remove the Kuih Bahulus from the pans when cool.
  9. Transfer to cooling tray to cool before storing into airtight containers.
Here, I am using the French Madeleines pans instead of traditional Kuih Bahulu moulds.  Fill till 90% full if using traditional Kuih Bahulu moulds and 100% full if using French Madeleines pans.
Bake in pre-heated oven (200 degree celsius) for 10-15 minutes till the Kuih Bahulu raise nicely in the pans.  Test readiness by piercing a bamboo skewer into the Kuih Bahulu.  Kuih Bahulus are ready if skewer comes out dry and clean.
Remove Kuih Bahulus from pans with bamboo skewer.
Cool Kuih Bahulus in cooling tray before storing into airtight containers.
I did not over bake my Kuih Bahulus to give it a darker brown colour as I prefer my Kuih Bahulus to be more moist and soft.  It's your personal choice.

Kuih Bahutu Photograph updated in January 2017. Baked with Kuih Bahulu tray this time.

Kuih Bahutu Photograph updated in January 2017. Baked with Kuih Bahulu tray this time.


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